Digital marketing skills
In this article I will present three main digital marketing skills I have learned while studying British Academy of Digital Marketing.
Web design
First digital marketing skill I have chosen is web design. Even though I didn’t master it 100% I am now more aware and educated. When you are trying to learn new skill in general, try to take it step by step and don’t get overwhelmed or upset when you don’t understand something. For any website I am using Wordpress which has helped me to understand basics of web design. In Wordpress you can choose from multiple templates and everything is explained and beginner friendly. If you will follow steps which are very clear web development can be for anyone. I highly recommend a book called “Wordpress in easy steps” by Darryl Bartlett. You can find all informations about web development and Wordpress. If you are interested in web design please visit my other article “Website design and development” here.
Personal branding
The next skill I have learned and want to mention is personal branding. This is very important when you are trying to create a business out of your name or persona. This includes creating website for yourself with all services/products you are offering. Consistency is really important so you want to create all social media accounts from Instagram to Pinterest and be active and relevant in all of them. Obviously always think about what message you want to present and what is the closest to you. This is closely connected to content marketing which I have also learned while studying this course. It is important to be real with people and your customers. Create even outside of your brand, that way your audience knows you are a person just like them. Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone, that’s when you will really shine.
Search engine optimisation
It was really hard for me to choose out of all digital marketing skills I have learned. Since I am a proud Gen Z and spend most of my time on phone or internet I resonated with SEO a lot. Even though it is not something I want to prosecute in my career, it is an interesting and important tool when starting a business. Search engine optimisation is a free marketing strategy. It is used to increase brands’ or company’s chances to appear on search engine result page. By having your website optimised and keywords set correctly, your page will most likely appear in the first result page even without paying an ad. For SEO to work at first you need to select your keywords and build your website around them. It is also important to have all of your accounts linked to you website and vice versa. Having everything connected and optimised will increase your chances to appear on search engine result page. If you are interested in SEO I have posted my favourite articles in this post.